|  | Jacob was born in Kennesaw, GA and spent his early years in the area, graduating from North Cobb High School in 1995. В His favorite pastime included Football, Baseball, reading comic books, and playing Nintendo. (In addition to riding bikes with his neighborhood friends, going to White Water with his cousin, and harassing his sister). В In his later youth, he discovered his passion for music, guitar, and all things "Beatles". В He began playing guitar, touring the country with his band, and even recently playing on the church worship team, and he still continues to build and improve his home studio. В
Jessica was born in Florida, and raised in Canton, GA where she spent her youth devoted to her love of school, reading, and always involved in one extra curricular activity or another. В She was always involved in something, whether it was dance, colorguard, aerobics, or any club or team that was "girlie". В She attended the State Univesity of West GA, and graduated from Kennesaw State Univiesity, while she began her career in banking, eventually moving into the exciting world of Finance. В Her primary focus continues to be growing and developing her career in the wealth mangement field. |  | Jacob and Jessica both worked part-time jobs at a local bar called, "Wild West Bar & Grill". В Jacob was one of the DJs and Jessica was a cocktail waitress. В One slow, boring night in August of 2008, business was slow, and Jessica got off of her shift early. В Not ready to go home yet, she had a book with her, and she was gonig to go outside to the deck area to relax and read. В She saw two young gentlemen sitting at a table, (Jacob and Chad), and being the friendly person that she is, asked, "Can I sit with y'all? В You're the only normal-looking people here" :) В Little did Jessica know that Jacob had been eyeing her all night long, as she led the Wild West dancers on the dance floor. В So, Jacob and Jessica began to chat, and after an evening of nice conversation, Jacob asked for her number. В Jessica begrudgingly replied, "I'll give it to you, but I'm really not intersted in hanging out with someone that I meet in a bar...". В Jacob takes her number, but walks away, now suddenly uninterested. He never calls her, which completely throws Jessica for a loop. В Finally, after several weeks, and some convincing by wingman, Chad, Jacob calls Jessica and the rest is history... |  | After 6+ looooooonnnnnng years of waiting, Jacob finally popped the question, in a private moment, in front of their Christmas Tree on Christmas morning 2014. В The ring is "vintage" and perfect, and everyone was so excited to hear the news on Christmas Day!В
Wedding Reception Details: Sunday, September 27th, 2015 5pm The Crescent Farm Historical Center (Known locally, as "The Rock Barn") 658 Marietta Hwy, Canton, GA 30114
It will be a fun, laid-back "BBQ" vibe, with dancing, beer and wine provided. (Feel free to bring your own favorite drink to enjoy, if you prefer an alternative to beer / wine!)
The couple would love to allow for their young family and friends to have a "adults only" / "date night", coupled with the fact that space is limited, so they request that you arrange for childcare for the little ones. However, please, don't let that be a reason for you to miss the party - bring the kids if you must - just be sure to RSVP for the little tykes! |  | Jacob and Jessica currently live togheter, in a house on the lake. В They are (slowly) making improvements to their property and turning their "house" into a "home". В They enjoy fishing in the lake and feeding the MANY geese and ducks that visit their backyard.
In their spare time...who are they kidding...they don't have spare time. В But when they DO, they enjoy relaxing and catching up on their favorite TV shows, watching GA Tech football, and attending concerts. В
Jacob and Jessica do not have children (yet), so their nuturing spirit is focused on their lovable, geriatric dog, "Bastian", and their two cats, incredibly mischevious "Charlie Chaplin" and sweet and docile "Josie Tigertail". В |  | Jacob and Jessica strive to remain strong in their Christian faith, and vow to keep Him as the center of their marriage. |