| Once upon a time, Lynn was invited to cheer her friend Katie on in a beer pong tournament. She was kind of tired, but the bar was within bike riding distance of her Atlantic Beach townhouse, so she hopped on her beach cruiser and went to check it out. When she got there, she was surprised to see that there were two games going on at once, with teams waiting in the wings for their turn. Jason was involved in one of the games on stage. He was telling jokes and making everyone laugh. Lynn noticed his great sense of humor and nicely shaped hair and decided to try to talk to him. She failed. There were a lot of people and he was always talking to someone else. It wasn't until she was involved in a high stakes game of foose ball with her sister, Rachael, that he noticed her. He winked at her!
They still didn't actually talk to each other, until a couple weeks later when they ran into each other at the Ritz (a real dive that proclaims on its sign "a great place to meet"), each out with a group of friends. It was after this meeting, where they actually spoke, that Jason invited Lynn on a first date to go bowling. The lanes were full with league play and so Jason showed off his burrito eating skills at Campeche Bay, a beachside mexican restaurant, instead. Lynn, a true burrito connoisseur, truly amazed at his stomach's burrito holding capabilities and his genuinely kind heart, agreed to see him again...and they are on their way to living happily ever after! |  | Lynn and Jason sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes loooooove, then comes marriage...Our wedding will be on October 23rd, at 5:00 PM, at Victory Lutheran Church. Our church is on Kernan Blvd., just off of JTB (hwy 202). Please join us in a celebration of love that will now be referred to as, Just the Beginning! |  | We know it sounds crazy having a wedding 1,000 miles away from where we grew up, but please humor us. We are seeing it as a great opportunity for all of you to finally see the life we have built here over the past couple of years. Many of you have not been able to see where we live, work, and play, and it means so much to us that you have the chance to not only visit with us for our special day (a.k.a. Just the Beginning!), but witness where our lives take place (from the house we just bought near the beach to the park where Lynn first introduced Jason to the game of croquet...just another game she beats him at!) Thanks so much for being a part of our lives at this special time; both of us feel that the past two years that we have been together have been richly blessed by the love and friendship we share with one another, and we can't wait to share it with all of you. Plus, the sunshine rocks and we wanted to give your skin one last chance to get scorched, before the harsh winter winds rip through the midwest burying you all in a fluffy blanket of snow...sorry, had to rub it in a little bit! |