|   |  | Chris and I met while both serving in ministry at our church, Mountaintop Faith Ministries. I was serving in the Choir, and Chris was serving in Productions, both of us had been serving for some time, but we never spoke or crossed paths. It's funny considering Productions works pretty closely with the Music Ministry. Eventually Chris and I met while both speaking to mutual friends Quinice and Janelle. If you noticed just now, those were both female names! I'd often see Chris speaking or walking with women, so I definitely thought he was either spoken for or "playing the field", either way I wasn't going to press him. One day Chris was walking in the hall at the church, and Elder Tapp grabbed him and "volun-told" him to join the Young Adults for Christ Ministry. It just so happens that I was the ministry leader for that group at the time. Chris began serving in the ministry and over time we developed a slight friendship. I of course grew to like him a little more, but if you know Chris, then you know he's friendly with everyone, and I couldn't really tell if he was interested or just being himself. Finally, he slid in my DM's one day on Instagram after seeing a post my Mother made to tell me about how our First Lady had made chicken and waffles for the Church staff. He of course didn't think it was fair, along with myself and he offered to make it for me. Long story long, we ended up dating, I got my chicken and waffles, and a soon to be husband! |
 |  | Jessica and I officially met when I asked Janelle to invite her out for my birthday dinner. Maybe not the best idea because like she mentioned at least 13 times above, I was always around females (shrugs) and my birthday event was no different lol. I mean 25 or so females and 5 males isn’t that bad, right??? Meanwhile secretly behind closed doors Theo and her mother Andrea were plotting a scheme for us to date, because someone who shall remain nameless (Jessica), didn’t make the best choices in the past. So, time passed, and I also passed, because I thought it was lame for someone’s parents to try to hook their kids up. Especially with her mom offering to pay me, but I’m sure the check I would have required Andrea to pay would have bounced, so I waited a few months and the remaining story is in her above section.