|   | The circumstances around the proposal are slightly bittersweet... Tim and I spent Christmas with my sister's family in Utah - Eight days of snow and play time with my niece and nephew. A few months prior to the trip we learned that Tim would be leaving early January for a six month deployment overseas. It was great to have him with me in Utah before his upcoming deployment, but the day we flew home I struggled with depression. I was sad from saying goodbye to the family in Utah, since I did not get to see them all the time, and I was sad because Tim would be leaving in just a handful of days.
The following day was New Year's Eve, and I tried really hard to be happy and celebratory with Tim and his good friend, Eric. We decided to go out on the town in Davis and dance away the night until the ball dropped. Minutes before Midnight, Tim told me that he wanted to tell me something. With this little mischievous smile he was failing to hide, he told me that when he returned from his deployment we should get married. First I was shocked (this was just so unexpected!) and then overjoyed that the man I loved and wanted to be with the rest of my life felt the same way.
There was no ring, there was no kneeling; the moment was simply spontaneous because he didn't want me to be sad anymore. He told me that he had planned to wait to propose for when he returned from his deployment, but decided to tell me the extent of his commitment because my spirits were so downhearted, and he wanted to make me happy. In a very different mood we kissed at Midnight and celebrated with Champagne for both our moment and the New Year. Tim's one stipulation on our engagement was that we keep it relatively secret, as many relationships do not survive a deployment, and this would be our first. I'm happy to say that we survived and are looking forward to becoming husband and wife. |